We offer a comprehensive portfolio of services and extensive resources to help employers keep up with the constantly changing market and regulatory environment. We also have the right expertise in house to help you understand your risks and effectively negotiate and manage vendors.

Some of our resources include:
- Research & Human Resources Education
- Underwriting
- Claims Analysis
- Modeling—claims, pricing, contributions, etc.
- Regulatory, Audit and Compliance Support
- Newsletters and ongoing Updates
In addition, we offer tools at your finger tips and additional support, including:
- Online HR and Benefits Library: This library features comprehensive coverage of State and Federal HR and Benefits laws and regulations, easy-to-understand and navigate HR and Employee Benefits publications, a targeted search engine, one-on-one responsiveness from “Ask the Experts” and hundreds of downloadable forms.
- Health Advocate: Your employees can obtain personalized assistance with their claims—all for no additional cost.
- Administration: We work with outside administrators to bring you the best and most cost effective solutions for your administration needs, including annual enrollment, cafeteria plans, billing, COBRA, Spending Accounts, and other services.
- Communications: Employee communication is critical to your success. Therefore, we give you extensive communications support, including onsite enrollment meetings and seminars, online enrollment tools and written materials, such Employee Handbooks and Benefit Statements.